Eat Your Fruits and Veggies

Last night Chris picked blackberries which we had for breakfast. This morning I picked some kale and lettuce adding zucchini, cucumbers and potatoes from the garden. My goal is for us to eat this today. I’m thinking salad and a veggie casserole.

Yesterday’s Picks

We planted a lot of kale.  Hope to make some kale chips today.  I used the cilantro which is growing back from last year’s plantings in some hummus which was for lunch along with the salad greens picked the day before.  And for supper I tried to make an eggplant lasagna.  It was great, butContinue reading “Yesterday’s Picks”

Growing Green

We are trying to grow our own veggies for our juices and cooking. I started celery and romaine lettuce from the stalk part in water. It’s doing rather nicely. So, I started another pot full. April 16th was National Barefoot Day. It was my first day barefoot outside. It was a day of firsts. WhileContinue reading “Growing Green”

Vegan Fifteen Minute Woking

I do a lot of stir fry.  It’s simple and I love using my wok which I’ve probably had for thirty years.  It’s also something that is quick, and sometimes I wait until about fifteen minutes before my husband comes home to start dinner preparation.  I’m usually waiting until the last minute to start dinnerContinue reading “Vegan Fifteen Minute Woking”

Juice Fast?

Last week I attempted a juice fast.  I lasted three days.  I even had a friend who said she would go on it with me.  She is now on day 9! I did start feeling pretty good and could notice some differences such as a clearer complexion, but I caved.  I just think about foodContinue reading “Juice Fast?”