Let Them Eat Cake

“Let them eat cake,” a phrase most commonly attributed to Queen Marie Antoinette, is the traditional translation of the French phrase “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”, supposedly spoken upon learning that the peasants had no bread. Cake being made with butter and eggs was more expensive than bread, and showed whatever royal figure said it was totallyContinue reading “Let Them Eat Cake”

Eat Your Fruits and Veggies

Last night Chris picked blackberries which we had for breakfast. This morning I picked some kale and lettuce adding zucchini, cucumbers and potatoes from the garden. My goal is for us to eat this today. I’m thinking salad and a veggie casserole.


This past weekend we ate at Mellow Mushroom.  We ordered the portobello mushroom appetizer.  It inspired me to try a similar version.  Their’s definitely looks prettier on the plate.  Some of the ingredients they used were artichokes and sun dried tomatoes along with spinach, mozzarella, feta cheese, spring mix of lettuce and balsamic vinegar.  IContinue reading “Portobello’s”


    Food – We all love it.  We are always trying to eat healthier.  I struggle, being lacto-vegetarian.  I have way too much dairy in my diet.  Then there is wheat.  Recently I went twenty-one days without wheat.  Perhaps that wasn’t long enough.  I saw no change in the way I felt.  For theContinue reading “Food”

Salad Inspired by Jamie Oliver

Awhile back we saw the show, “Food Revolution,” hosted by Jamie Oliver.  This took place in Huntington, WV, the town my husband works in.  Just recently they added vegetarian selections to Marshall University cafeteria entrees.  I don’t know if this was inspired by the show, but am glad to see it happen. These directions wereContinue reading “Salad Inspired by Jamie Oliver”

Vegetarian Hot Brown

Before going vegetarian, hot brown, made famous in Kentucky, by the The Brown Hotel in Louisville, was always an okay dish with me, but not to be listed among my favorites.  I had never thought that hot brown could possibly be vegetarian considering its main ingredients were ham, turkey, and bacon, but the vegetarian versionContinue reading “Vegetarian Hot Brown”

Vegan Hot Dogs

I still remember the taste of hot dogs.  I grew up with them, loaded with sauce and cole slaw. Well, actually cole slaw on hot dogs didn’t come until much later.  So, I wanted to re-invent it vegan style, right down to the sauce.  I finally came up with something, which my husband agrees asContinue reading “Vegan Hot Dogs”

Hiking and Miguel’s Pizza

This past weekend we hiked in the Red River Gorge area.  My aching calf muscles and the stinky sweaty clothes I just today loaded into the washing machine attest to the hilly areas we climbed.  There was a time when hiking was one of our biggest pleasures, but sadly we had gotten away from itContinue reading “Hiking and Miguel’s Pizza”

Eats in New York – Pizza – A Tradition

Several years’ back we watched a television show about pizza in New York.  Two of the places featured were Lombardi’s and Grimaldi’s. Lombardi’s has been in business for over one hundred years beginning in Little Italy as a grocery store in 1897 and becoming licensed as the first pizzeria in America in 1905.  On ourContinue reading “Eats in New York – Pizza – A Tradition”